Evidence Based Treatments

Trauma can impact anyone, I have expertise in highly effective treatments to support all men who have experienced trauma, regardless of their background or life experiences. Whether you've faced trauma in childhood, through personal events, or in any other circumstance, my goal is to provide effective strategies and expert guidance to help you heal and regain a sense of strength and resilience.

Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT)

Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) is an extensively researched evidence-based therapy that is proven to effectively treat posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and complex trauma. CPT is a structured therapy, which means you don’t rely on a therapist guessing or winging it. You’ll get the actual treatment that has been shown to help trauma survivors heal. But even though CPT is structured, you will never feel like you’re being asked to fit into a box. Working with an expert cognitive therapist, you’ll get flexible, curious, and effective care to help you gradually shift the patterns of thinking that have kept you stuck in your trauma.

Prolonged Exposure (PE)

Prolonged Exposure (PE) therapy is an evidence-based treatment for trauma survivors. One of the hallmark symptoms of trauma is intrusive thoughts and memories about what happened. These may “come at you” at the worst times, especially if you know you have “triggers” that set you off. PE helps you regain power over those triggers. By gradually facing the memories, feelings, and situations you’ve been running away from, you can reduce your trauma symptoms, process what happened, and move forward with hope and confidence. 

Narrative Exposure Therapy (NET)

Narrative Exposure Therapy (NET) and Trans-Affirmative NET (TA-NET) are structured, evidence-based therapy approaches that help trauma survivors process and make sense of traumatic experiences. You may feel like your life is a jumble of painful experiences. NET/TA-NET empowers you to develop a clear, detailed chronology of your life story, confronting each difficult memory in a safe and supportive environment. Through NET, you will systematically address each of your traumas within the broader context of your life’s narrative. NET helps you see yourself more clearly and cohesively, as the strong human who has endured and survived the trauma you experienced. NET effectively reduces symptoms of PTSD and complex trauma, offering a path toward healing and resilience.